Tuesday, May 5, 2009

23 days to go

Well...Kaitlyn is almost one! Did I mention she is going to be ONE? Hey, my little girl is turning one in 23 days!!!!
It's overwhelming if I think about it.
My life is changing ever so rapidly.
These past 11 months have seemed so fast and at the same time felt like an eternity!
Did I mention I am also pregnant? Hey, I'm pregnant, did you hear? Mommy's having another baby Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn, you are going to be a BIG SIS!
I'm 14 weeks and 5 days.
My tummy is sticking out now and maternity clothes are the only things that fit.
How is this all happening?
Kaitlyn will be 17 months when baby Sarphen arrives (Sarah + Stephen = Sarphen...nickname for baby #2).
Kaitlyn took her first solo step tonight. It was unbelievable I almost found myself in tears. She will be walking within the week....then two weeks later turning one and five months later becoming a big sis. What else can come my way??? Really, I seem to be on a role with hitting some major milestones....

Here are some shots from our day with Nana...