Saturday, January 1, 2011

Grab a cup of Joe...

Photos....Photos....Photos....with all this digital craze I have way too many photos and just can't stay organized enough with the downloading of them, labeling them and then of course, using them! So, in an effort to relive some moments and highlight a few great times....I have put together a simple collection featuring life starting with Steve's 40th birthday (Nov. 23rd)...
But first...a few general must-knows about life as a Patterson:

Dylan is by no means a slight boy. His figure is shooting up as well as out-I fell in love with a love handle today (most likely a temporary creation due to the way he was sitting...but, still a love handle in my book)...He has a fierce addiction with banging objects on Kaitlyn's head-a dinosaur toy, a drumstick, a teapot, his hand, a block, a remote...nothing stops him. She, of course, gets all bent out of shape and if I ignore the abuse a brawl breaks out with both of the kids attacking each other to the floor. It's quite a sight.

Dylan has a growing obsession for blueberries and continues to be repulsed by bananas. He is surprising me with his palate, while Kaitlyn seems to eat all things-or at least attempt to eat them if dipped in ketchup-Dylan stays clear of all things when crowded on his try, he takes a double take at pasta when paired with red sauce, giving it the eye and ultimately deciding he's just not into it...he gobbles up meat, any kind and pushes his milk away when he's had enough.

He fits into size 24 months or 2T on top and 18 months on the bottom (for length and can wear some 24 mos/2T for waist fit). He's a PAIN to change! This boy does not sit still when changing his diaper nor does he sit still when dressing him. It's a test to my patience every time with the exception of putting on socks. He'll stick his leg out and flex his toes indicating he's ready for me to shimmy the sock on...pretty adorable.

Finally, he's all boy. The climbing days are in full swing around here with the sofa being the favorite place to climb, stand on and bounce (which makes me rich with nervous energy)!

Kaitlyn continues to be all princess. She notices when I paint my nails (instantly, as if she just watched me walk out of a salon), she just recently began to comb my hair and twist it, pull it and attempt to put clips in it. She was regressing with potty training since I returned from NYC and to spiral her out of episodes of peeing on the floor or in her panties, we started this new conversation about teaching Dylan how to use the potty. Thus far it's been working wonders as this girl loves to boast about things she knows of and things she knows how to do! I'm often told what Dylan is getting into since Kaitlyn has learned right from wrong...she reports to me such things as,'Mom, Dylan is getting his hands wet in the potty', or 'Mommy, Dylan just hit my head', or 'MomMom (said real fast-my new nickname apparently) Dylan is going up (implying he's on the stairs)'. What would I do without my little informant!

Kaitlyn is showing less and less tantrum behaviors and now more and more birthday suit marathons. Yes, she seems to undress herself whenever she can around the house and pretty much run around you until you can physically stop her to get her dressed. It's an hilarious stage...and also a trying stage (like all the other ones thus far). Reading is her favorite thing to do, I'm certain of it. If she finds a book she's never read, forget attempting to read it to her. She's all ready to grab it and take off, telling the story out loud should anyone desire to listen. Her imagination is over the top and thus the story telling, based upon the photos, can be an uproar! Kaitlyn's latest phrase to say once she's done something worthy of correcting or disciplining is, 'Funny?' and when you respond with a 'No, that's not funny...', she will counter with 'Yes it is.' Of course, smiling the entire time...

And so it is with these few notes I holler to all...Happy New Year!

Steve's 40th birthday I was able to kidnap him despite his 2 hours of sleep from his previous night and take him to Catalina Island. There we enjoyed a lovely brunch while he read through his entire gift, an anthology of his life as written by some dear people (possibly you)....very cool and very touching! Then we ventured to the island's Zip Line made famous by The Bachelorette with Ali-since we always watch this frivolous show, it was only right that we had our own Hollywood afternoon!

Yes, we look like naturals!

Typical Steve stance these days....what would he do without his cell? I can only dream.

Roadtrip to AZ following Thanksgiving: the cousins meeting Baby Finn!

Baby Finn and Kaitlyn in conversation! Notice his stunning blue eyes?

Baby Finn hanging with Dad (Uncle Jonathan)....what a cutie this little guy is and continues to be as he rises to great health in the Seattle Children's Hospital under the blankets of tender motherly love, fatherly care, hospital know-how and united prayer!

This is what a rested mother can look like! Here I am on night 4 of my 5 night trip to NYC, solo....yes, no children and no hang with my dear girlfriend, Jenna! We just loaded up on some silly delicious Italian lasagna and pizza after having had an excellent day romping around in the city!

I loved my trip to NYC THIS MUCH!

I'm beginning to think this fishing obsession could be genetic. Will Dylan follow in his Uncle's footsteps? It appears so....(at Grandma's house).

'Tis the Season'

Trying to get a Christmas Photo...they were so engrossed in the balloons or the dirt or what was going on by the adjacent fountain. One of the gazillion shots I took did turn out...barely!

Daddy's little girl.

I know art will follow her wherever she goes. Look at this girl...

Winter Preschool photo...darling!

I've dreamt of the day when she could push her own cart around. It has arrived! She was ecstatic!

My chef. This is her new chef knife (kid friendly-from Santa)...and yes, she is regularly helping me. After this stint of chopping cilantro I had her busy with the salad spinner. In a simple moment of not watching her she had added a spoon full of sour cream, all the cilantro she cut and the grated cheese....ingredients I had out for the chili we were going to eat. This girl takes after me...salads call for everything but the kitchen sink. I think she'll be a natural in the kitchen!

Delivery Day! In lieu of traditional gifts for our neighbors we put together 10 children's books and took them to the local hospital pediatric ward. On the way up the elevator I told Kaitlyn she was such a good partner, helping me get this big basket to the sick children. She laid down the law and said, "Mom, I'm not a partner. I'm a princess. You're a partner."
Hmmm. Such confidence.

Delivering our Christmas cards to the neighbors!

Dylan's new bedtime buddy from Uncle Scott & Kimberly. Christmas at my folks house-celebrated on the 26th!

Daddy's new car (Denali-extended) has the kids in the very back row and compared to my hot rod where they are situated a mile apart, in Daddy's car they are within reach. Here they held hands for the entire drive from our home to Grandmas's (when Kaitlyn let go of Dylan, he would cry)!