Thursday, June 4, 2009

Big Girl...

She made the change over from infant seat to toddler seat on Tuesday. Now facing forward, her life riding in the car has vastly improved! She cracks up when I reach back and grab her toes or turn over my shoulder for a quick glance. Somethings won't ever change regardless of seat and position...Kaitlyn messing with her shoes, finding a way to get them off.

On Monday's doctor appointment she weighed in at 22 lbs. 6 oz.; 29.5 inches in height putting her in the 75th percentile---a well porportioned girl! We didn't plan on making the change over but it sort of just happened and I must say I love it! I love being able to see her, finally! Plus, we can work on preserving the infant car seat for the next baby! Boy-my car is getting crowed already....