How did this happen? Kaitlyn turned one on Thursday, May 28th! What an incredible year of surprises, emotional (and physical) growth, and absolute JOY! Kaitlyn has changed rapidly with each passing month, it's hard to keep up with all that she brings to our household. As she turns one she is completely walking-gone are the days of carrying her around. She's an independent child, filled with mischief, wonder, contentment and love.
She's been giving me hugs a lot lately and enjoys finding something she shouldn't have, run off with it giggling. I'm amazed at how she absorbs information and can mimic what we do. I find her holding the stereo remote and aiming it at the music box in her bedroom, laughing like she's doing what I always do. Brushing her teeth has to be the funniest. She takes her toothbrush and actually brushes her teeth while I use an imaginary brush and mimic the motions. Again, she is laughing the entire time.
We started her on whole milk this morning and I'm so grateful that she doesn't know the difference...formula is such a chore to put together. This weekend, starting with Thursday, was filled with festivity-now it's time for a nap.