let me do it all by myself.'
If you spent three minutes or three hours with Kaitlyn you would see how alive she is. Her constant smirk, always ready to shine smile and her expressive eyes will forcefully keep you engaged! Add an audience of strangers, like customers in line behind us at the grocery store, or the folks out walking when we are walking and Kaitlyn kicks her personality up a few notches. She's really hysterical! Steve and I were laughing in the car the other night and Kaitlyn decided to chim in with a few belly laughs herself...this just fueled our laughing even more. She gets on a roll with all her little tricks and will do one right after the next if all eyes are on her...the tricks generally include any or all of the following: opened mouth with tongue moving from side to side, this of course is accompanied by a deep vocal lolololo; arms up, straight up into the air; hands tucked into her armpits and then up and down the arms go, a chicken-dance impression; and then to top it all off she'll start panting like a dog. Hysterical, really. Hysterical.