Monday, May 11, 2009

Our Trip to Vegas

The pregnant bellies...this was taken at Penny's baby shower-the whole reason why I even embarked upon this Vegas trip! She's due on July 9th and I'm due on October 29th....hmmm, am I gaining too much weight too fast or am I just really showing way early???


Poolside chillin at the Monte Carlo...on the strip!
Kaitlyn really knows how to soak up the sun in style.

Up close and personal.

Taco Bell pit-stop on the way to Vegas.
Kaitlyn was having a blast particularly because she was out of the car stretching her legs.

It was a whirlwind trip, almost too fast, but then again, not long enough. Traveling by car with a little one, while being pregnant, is certainly an adventure, not too mention my Mother-in-Law (Nana) as my right hand passenger and Kaitlyn's personal assistant. Let's just say airplanes are way easier as you aren't the pilot and you don't have to worry about how long the trip is or how to get where you are going.

Now that Kaitlyn was introduced to Vegas she doesn't need to go back. Nope. Not until she's 35-they don't call it 'Sin City' for nothing!