diaper fully loaded and sunblock wearing off.
He was just as happy to roll in the grass as she was to stomp in the water!
Minutes before this was taken I found her on the first stair
totally headed for the second one up. Gates anyone?
She's doing it....Thursday while at My Gym class Kaitlyn took off and walked across the room. Well, at least five steps on her own without tumbling to the floor. Then she did it again, and again and again. We can't seem to repeat the success, but it was such an incredible thing to witness. The moms around me were just as amused and moved as I was-some having already experienced that first moment with their child, others anticipating the big day! I almost cried with excitement. I can't say she is walking 100% at this point as she still doesn't know how to pick herself up from the floor without help and she doesn't strike out on her own each time her legs touch the floor, but she is certainly moving in that direction and each day since Thursday it seems her desire to cruise by feet is more and more real!
Mother's Day was a complete surprise-Steve rose to the occasion and indulged me with lavish attention starting with daybreak...he got Kaitlyn up and out of bed (I thought that day would never happen) then he made me breakfast-just how I like it... I could rattle on and on as in all truthfulness, it still hasn't ended...well, ok, maybe the lavish part ended when Mother's day ended, but the attention for both Kaitlyn and myself has been rather nice. I'm thinking Mother's Day should happen at least once a month. I think it keeps these husbands/dads on their toes! Ha! We ultimately spent part of the day with his mom and then with my mom (the latter of which I have no photos...should have as Darin, Maria, Scott and Kimberly and even Benet were gathered to celebrate).
Kaitlyn found her liking for the pool, at least the inflatable pool. We'll find out what she thinks about the big girls pool in late June. We signed her up for four weeks of swim class-one of the milestones each child is to do during this time is to jump into the pool to the parent. Not so sure about how that will fly, but based upon her no fear approach to the My Gym enviornment, she may be a little dolphin in no time.