Kaitlyn has been waiting for this day to arrive--she met her cousin, Truman, this afternoon for the first time. He is only a week older than her and lives in a town outside of Washington, D.C., so the opportunity to hang out is very rare. While this meeting was short, the two of them will have multiple days together in a couple more weeks (this basically means more pictures to come)!
Kaitlyn thought Truman was hilarious as he made high pitched screeching sounds during lunch and he loved making grumpy faces even though he was more than happy to be in Grandma's arms. Kaitlyn couldn't decide if he looked more like his dad, Uncle Jeff, or Uncle Benet (see photo).
I'm quite impressed with this little gem of mine. She endured two full days in the San Diego sun over this Labor Day weekend and definitely did not get her mother's skin. She showed no sign of sun damage, only a soft dusting of pink upon her cheeks and nose to prove she was outside enjoying the summer days. I on the other hand roasted and turned out like a lobster. Saturday she met some of Steve's dear friends, the Pentheroudakis family--a vibrant Greek family with a daughter, Eleni-Steve's classmate during Med School, who married into a vibrant Italian family. The festivities continued when today she met her two aunts and their sisterhood circle of friends. It was a jammed weekend of driving and socializing, she handled the stimulation with great finesse!