Coming home late last night after spending a total of five hours driving to and from family in Ventura by way of Long Beach with random stops in Watts and Beverly Hills for diaper changes and nursing sessions, I was pretty exhausted. Upon getting the car unloaded, baby unpacked and into bed, dog fed and kitchen cleaned, it was nearing 11pm and I ran into two major ant trails trekking some 20 foot marathon--so my night was really just getting started. After spraying RAID excessively upon those pests and saying 'Thank you God for scheduling Terminix this Monday' I was back in the kitchen to make a late night bowl of cereal before retreating to a few chapters in a book when I stumbled upon this incredibly surprising chalk note.
Let me first say Steve has only written one message on this chalk board since it graced our home--a handcrafted/handpainted wedding gift from my hyper talented Aunt Collette last year. It was so long ago I don't even know what it said...but this message, this message will stain my mind and heart forever. I stood with cereal in hand, almost speechless, awestruck, excited, doubtful, elated, surprised...the list of emotion could continue on. I needed this message so badly but how do you tell your husband this? There is no pre-paid conversation card out there that features one-liners like this one, helping a busy husband say the right thing to his wife. No...this was generated by Steve's own doing and will. What prompted him to write it I may never know, but the immediate impact it had upon me was tremendous and will be treasured.
Am I that easy to please? Steve may disagree, but honestly, this love note (as I like to think of it) was better than anything money could buy. To all you Husbands out there, get busy, your wife needs to hear from you that you love her, that she is amazing, that she is the most AWESOME wife and mother in this world. It tells her that you believe in her and all that she is. Now that's the kind of husband I have!