It happened! We took Kaitlyn to Claire's at the Lakewood Mall and got her ears pierced! I was so nervous and felt my insides turning around until we met Nellie, the Piercing Expert...she was WONDERFUL. Within minutes Kaitlyn began crying, more out of being tired and hungry so eventually I nursed her to calm her. Then the piercing began...thirty seconds of what seemed like an eternity for Kaitlyn, resulted in two stunning crystals occupying her lovely earlobes only to showcase her gorgeous eyes and contagious smile (even though the smile didn't come until after the two full minutes of screaming--which made me feel like I was abusing my child until I looked at her and melted). I didn't cry, good ole Nellie kept me strong along with my Mother-in-Law! Sarah was snapping away, documenting the moment step by step in pure delight! We wrapped up our outing with a summer sunset stroll, pierced and happy!
Nellie really was a Piercing Expert--it all started when her mother pierced her ears at home when she was four days old and truly that was just the beginning. Nellie was pierced all over. While I appreciate that Nellie positioned your crystals so that if one day you would like to get another piercing on your lobe I would hope you won't follow in Nellie's footsteps and pierce your lip (both the upper and the lower), your brow and even some of your cartilage either in your nose or going up your ear creating a train of studs and hoops. If you do, possibly you will say what Nellie said, 'It's a phase.' I love you sweetheart, with or without earrings...