I enjoyed having Stephanie visit recently as much as I enjoyed having Truman, her son, visit from Virginia. Stephanie and I were pregnant at the same time and now that our babies are 4 months old, we are calling each other to talk about raising babies instead of making them! It's actually quite funny-the dynamics of our phone calls. The topics range from gripe water to rashes to bath soaps to husbands ('your husband did what?'....). She's a joy on the phone but it sure was great to have her in person.
Trumie is so different than Kaitlyn. From his size to his demeanor, the two cousins are as different as night and day. I was beginning to think Kaitlyn was enjoying her cousin so much she was becoming 'Little Miss Rascal' as she continually was in his business! It was hilarious to watch unfold.
Part of the weekend festivities involved visits from Uncle Darin and Uncle Scott...and was wrapped up with a lovely afternoon at Great-Grandma's where Great Aunt Sue came along! The cousins were always in arms of love...