He's big. He's expressive. He's got EYES that compete with Kaitlyn's! His temperament is cool, calm and curious-unless he's tired, that's when he cries and gets all stiff. When he's hungry, watch out if you are holding him, he's been known to suck cheeks, blankets, shoulders and comes pretty close to sucking your hair or ear...best thing to do is pass him my way as he doesn't like a pacifier nor a finger. He wants the boob. Blue, Yellow, Green and heck, even pink look great on him. Most of his blankets are hand-me downs from Kaitlyn so the pink is generally found in his swaddle!
Some other interesting facts about Dylan:
-He grunts and sometimes lets out a note or two when sleeping. Another musical child in the works, I think.
-He poops after every nursing session-clockwork!
-Dylan loves to be in the arms of anyone (assuming his tank is full and his diaper is clear).
-His eyes go cross-eyed OFTEN, it's pretty funny especially when he puckers his lips together and makes an 'ooooooo' sound.
-He has this magic time in the middle of the night that he likes to call 'DAY' resulting in a 2.5 hour play-date with mommy generally starting around 2:30am. Yes, this is tough.
-If you are lucky to witness an occasional smile, you will be lucky if you don't melt away. He's a total hunk when his dimples are showing...