He is hairy. Hairy from head-to bottom-to toe, hence 'Wolf', and his 'Tank' is never full! Wolftank has a torso that exceeds a typical three month onesie allowance and hands that could grip a grapefruit. This child is big. He arrived big and has only grown bigger. What's to come? Will he be like his distant cousin and sport 18 month clothing by eight months? How about this hairy situation...I look forward to the hair loss to see if he does lose the trail that travels up the spine of his back and the extra coat wrapped around his ears. Shed, baby, shed! No matter, he is the world's most adorable boy. His grunts are being replaced with cooing sounds and his luxury stay in the family heirloom bassinet may come to a sudden end as conditions are projecting a crammed holiday season if he continues to sprout at such a rapid rate.
One week to the next his facial expressions change as well as his strength. Just today I noticed how long his eyelashes have become. Ladies, don't even think about it! Dylan is going to be a priest...really, his romantic future will be as heart pounding, anxiety driven for me as Kaitlyn's future will be with the guys. My palms are sweating now just thinking about it!