Big Sisters can be Big Helpers if you include them on the task at hand.
Little Dylan likes to chill, spit up and grunt.
It looks flat ironed but Dylan's hair turns extra curly, temporarily, after a good wash.
I'm exhausted. The exhaustion I feel now is like no other.
It is ok to eat left overs for lunch and dinner and possibly lunch again when you have two children.
I'll never know why a baby's poop is like a jar of grainy dijon mustard.
Going up and down the stairs is fun with Kaitlyn if you count them out loud.
Sitting on the floor instead of the sofa keeps Kaitlyn more engaged with me and less engaged with mischief!
I love my children's arms around me, Kaitlyn's tender kisses and the unconditional love I feel toward them-it's grown drastically in the past week!