'The better to see you with Mommy'
Hours can pass by and all I've done productive is stimulate my baby's learning. Some days laundry piles up, dishes get stacked and dinner is beyond late but Kaitlyn continues to laugh, coo and expand her vocabulary. She doesn't know the house she lives in gets messy, needs mopping and dusting. Nope, she's just happy as a clam perched upon her boppy pillow looking right back at me. Actually she's probably laughing back at me for if any hidden camera showed up in this house I'm sure we would win some money with the footage. I am determined to not become one of those frumpy moms but some days it can take me a while to transform my slumber attire into a presentable daytime appeal. It is when I'm still in that slumber attire and my hair is disheveled, spit up is on my shirt and most likely I'm not matching, that the video footage of me cooing back at my baby girl would be the most marketable! It's priceless really. Today I say 'who cares'. This little girl is so incredibly darling and adorable she makes me look good despite the hour of the day or condition of the house.
I will get better at it all. I hear that when you have your second child you'll be doing dishes with one hand while nursing your baby and carrying your toddler on your back. Yeah... We'll see.