There's not much more this little one should need beyond milk and TV. I have such fun staging her with props, even if the photos don't turn out, the process of placing her inbetween silly items to create a statement generates enough afternoon glee for me!
Just today I was given the best compliment. Kaitlyn was passed out in her sling while shopping at Michaels--a customer came up to us and said, 'Your little girl looks like those babies that are placed in those flower pots' (referring to Anne Geddes work). My heart skipped and my face lit up with joy. That is my girl--she is quite adorable and people notice that I think, at times, they will trip over their own feet due to their ahhhing and oooohhing over her! It's comical.
Today Kaitlyn is 10 weeks old and ready to bypass crawling and aim straight for walking! She's grown so much that her muscles are working favorably and she finds herself more interested in sitting up than lying down. Place her on her tummy and she takes off, kicking and grunting, trying so hard to move...and move she does. She has already flipped herself over her boppy pillow twice (once which landed her face down and legs kicking freely in the air followed by intense screaming--I was just as shocked as her).
Her latest and greatest discovery is her fist. Yes folks, the fist must be covered in chocolate or some sugary syrup as this little girl has an appetite for fingers, knuckles and the whole fist. She can't get enough. While I've tried distracting her with pacifiers and toys, nothing is as good as her fist. This causes a great deal of drool as you can imagine resulting in officially starting the bib wearing days!
Her curls are delightful and continue to grow framing her face and her eyes...well, you've already seen those eyes. Can they get any bigger? Probably! We've discovered sleeping longer is something I really enjoy. She's now managing a consistent four hour interval sleep time sometimes venturing into five hours. A new developing trend, Kaitlyn driven, is to begin a slumber around the 9pm hour. This was unheard of just a week ago. She must be discovering the importance of beauty rest...