Sweet Kaitlyn has embrace a week of milestones. I think it may be due to her approaching three month birthday, she is secretly trying to let us parents know she is GROWING UP! This photo illustrates one of the many milestones...her holding her own pacifier. The story goes as follows:
Dad is on baby patrol.
Dad gives Kaitlyn pacifier.
Pacifier falls out of Kaitlyn's mouth.
MILESTONE: Kaitlyn grabs pacifier and places it back in her mouth--this photo is how she was holding the pacifier.
Kaitlyn has developed her pinching skills! Her ability to use her thumb and index finger to grab items--yes, she's advanced! May I also point out that she likes to pinch my boob when breastfeeding...her pinching is nothing light, she has muscles, don't be fooled!
Another milestone, she slept for an eight hour stint! Sleeping for six hours in a row is becoming her normal routine, but an eight hour stint...that is a MILESTONE.
And yet, another milestone: Nana babysat Kaitlyn so that Steve and I could go out for a five hour celebration. This was a tough one for me, but a MILESTONE, none the less. I just wasn't ready to leave Kaitlyn for that period of time, but I pumped enough milk and knew she'd probably sleep for most of the time since they were five evening hours! She was fussy as we were leaving and I just kept my head high, walked straight out the door and knew she'd be fine. Were we going to be fine?? Within seconds of driving down the street a car went through a stop sign and just about hit us. My heart, gut, legs, everything went limp and tingly. Thank God we were fine, but it sure reinforced the achy feeling of knowing Kaitlyn wasn't with me.
As a breastfeeding mother, I must comment on how strange it is to be away from your baby and feel your boobs go through a series of let-downs (where the milk is being released in the ducts and literally 'letting down' the ducts to your nipples). Thank goodness for breast pads and/or thick bras or last night when away from Kaitlyn, I would have had two round wet marks across my chest. How embarrassing would that be? Not only for me, but for Steve as the celebration was his 20 year high school reunion--I could have really started some funny gossip.
Finally, she is asleep in her own crib. Now that's a MILESTONE worth noting! This started at naptime on Friday and tonight is her first overnight trip in her sweet nursery where trees are white, birds chirp and there is always a place to imagine! This means that Steve and I will now be getting accustomed to sleeping next to a baby monitor instead of the actual baby. Not sure I'm going to sleep too well tonight, but I'm up for the adventure.
There you have it folks. Kaitlyn Marie--a true pioneer... she is setting new trends and standards, not too mention, setting on foot more often than not. We think she'll bypass crawling and go straight for the walking!