It's evident that Dylan is a Momma's Boy. I think any onlooker could pin this title-it's clearly obvious. Just a few notes to capture this momentous label he possesses...for how long, I do not know:
1. When I leave for any given period of time (head upstairs for a quick jaunt to my closet or actually drive away in the car for some afternoon errands) and return, he comes to me with this sad face and says, "Mommy, I can't see you..." "Mommy, I cried."
2. Bedtime routine right now is bit tricky, he truly wants to cling to my neck when I lay down next to him, often nuzzling his head into my shoulder-of course that's after a bundle of goodnight kisses. He's super duper lovable and just wants the comfort of knowing I'm there.
3. He likes to grab my hand and lead the way to where ever it is that he wants to take me or show me while saying, "Mommy, come. Come." It's very matter of fact.
Talk about warm fuzzies. I get them a lot with this little guy.