I couldn't resist. Tomorrow at school the kids have an opportunity to do old fashioned dress-up photos. I see the price of $70 to get the two of them photographed and figured I'd do my own rendition. I'm no pro and quite frankly, there really isn't anything old fashioned about this. Kaitlyn was beside herself with glee. Getting to wear mommy's lipstick and raid the jewelry box. The latter was rather insightful. I have a true fashionista in the makings. She had opinions. Did I mention she had opinions?
Dylan's curiosity grew the longer he observed Kaitlyn getting dolled up. We grabbed a tie from Steve's rack and a crisp shirt, rolled up the sleeves to make a fit that was nothing shy of 100% adorable. He was ecstatic-and adding the watch to his wrist (it didn't last on his arm long enough for the photos) completed his happiness! I wish I video taped the preparation!
Kaitlyn is no stranger to the camera. She was on stage the minute the sequence top hit her body. She was all poses and glam. My two little hams. I hope they find theater in their future. If I could decide it for them, they'd be cast as leading roles! I won't lie. I did consider the looking into getting professional head shots today. With these two, I am certain any company would want them in front of their camera! Here's to having fun after dinner this evening....being spontaneous and downright silly! Love, Love, Love this kind of play!