It was an opportunity I had to jump on and so it is with great anxiety I write to document that tonight Dylan moved into Kaitlyn's room. The two are now officially roommates. Dylan was nursing while Kaitlyn and I were talking and reading some books on the floor. He passed out-the kind where his whole body goes limp and other than a few lip smacks, nothing is alive. I still had some laundry to put away in the kids dresser and a book to finish with Kaitlyn, so I gently placed Dylan in his new crib-a gorgeous one, I might add. When I was all finished with my to do list I picked Kaitlyn up and explained that her brother was sleeping in his new crib. With great excitement, legs kicking and all...she gave me a huge smile and brought her finger to her lips and said, 'shhhh'. I figured at that moment that he was going to stay right there and all I needed to do was rearrange the shelf above the crib and set up the camera. Mission accomplished. Kaitlyn went down without a peep and if I can predict the night, my hope is that Dylan will make enough noise for me to get him when he wakes up, but not enough to wake up Kaitlyn. Otherwise I'm signing up for a horrifically LONG night! Thank God Steve is off tomorrow!
On a side note:
-Kaitlyn was reading one of her books tonight and as if trying to identify numbers she was reading (which was not the case as there were no numbers, only the word 'yellow', but all the motions were there....even the finger pointing to the image) she said out loud, 'eight, nine,.....(long pause), ten'. She trips me out.
-An emerging Kaitlyn trend is singing. Let me clarify, she has always sang but in the past month or so she has started singing songs you know. The ABC's were the first and now she is onto singing songs from two albums I play in my car for her (constantly). One is an African lullaby CD and she repeats the sounds and words that she can make out. The other CD is Laurie Berkner band (highly recommend). When I attempt to sing along she yells out, 'No' with a huge grin. This little stinker doesn't want to hear me sing. I don't blame her as I'm not all that...when I get quiet I can hear her whispering the song. It's truly amazing.
-Dylan continues to surprise me with slimy blow-out diapers, the worst being down the leg, up the back and even blown out through the top of the front of the diaper. Love these. Socks get goopy green stuff on it along with everything else. It seems like I just look at the poop and the slimy stuff shows up on me. What can I say. He is a ham, too-just like Kaitlyn. I am seeing a budding gregarious character taking place in Dylan. He may be chillin Dylan, but not for much longer. I imagine he will run the show in no time. He lights up with an enormous smile which instantly melts me and spent this morning in quiet a conversation. He was running at the mouth not letting me get a word in!