Could this be more fun? Silly String. Horns. New Year Hats. Tiaras. Toddlers were ruling the roost, screaming in pure glee. It was a party for them. My girlfriend opened her home for a few friends to gather, friends with children, mind you. It was to be a casual gathering with a menu of: pizza, wine, beer, and chocolate fondue. The plan was to bring in the New Year at 9pm for the toddlers before carting their exhausted bodies off to bed! It was a beautiful idea. Kaitlyn was in Heaven-she was all over the place as this home is super kid-friendly. The front living room is the playroom, buckets of toys, blocks and books lined the walls. Toddler sized kitchenettes, chairs and high chairs clustered by the window...the walls were dotted with the children's artwork and learning worksheets (mom used to be a teacher). It's always fun going over to Christina's...but this night was more than fun! When the ticker hit the 9pm midnight, silly string went blasting, horns were honking and screams were screeching!
Then there was Dylan. Remarkable little fellow. He slept the entire time...
Happy New Year everyone. May this year find you rich with happiness!