Words, no photo. My life is truly changing. I hardly focus on cameras right now and I'm sure you wouldn't blame me if you realized how I've been feeling/looking! During the first three months of this pregnancy I knew I was pregnant because I had that dreadful nausea haunt me almost daily. The only good thing about the first trimester was that I didn't gain any weight. Ha! Whatever, that is history. These days, while the nausea is totally gone, I am plagued with the heavy belly. I'm getting top heavy so the back aches are kicking in and even though I am not swelling in my feet, ankles or legs yet....I feel them-at least my legs since they have doubled in size this whole pregnant ordeal started the first time. Oh the joys of this era in my life!
I also have this strange new physical dilemma I'm forced to embrace...itchiness. It's the strangest thing but I call it chicken skin as my thighs, backs of my knees and lower legs have developed this razor burn look, and due to my itching (and you know I do itch in seek of temporary relief) the red bumps always look irritated. It's the most unsexy thing, next to the added cellulite. Cell-u-lite, what a word, why can't it mean what it says...'Hey cell...u, yeah, u, u light!' Quite the contrary, as isn't cellulite fat cells getting really plump and hanging out in clusters in the most unappealing parts of your body? There's nothing 'light' about this!
So, chicken skin, weight gain, nausea, sleeping propped up on a heavenly stack of pillows, middle of the night pee breaks and shortness of breath...don't YOU want to be pregnant?
I suppose I must regroup here...yes, I do want to be pregnant. How could I not sign up for another little one when I see my sweet Kaitlyn every day discover new patterns, interests, words and expressions? Today she was in mimic mode and made the elephant sound while moving her arm like a trunk after she watched me with great amusement do it several times...She is getting more and more communicative with her head shakes, up and down implying yes and side to side implying no...and NO she really means. How about the swimming lessons-she was submerged under water last Tuesday and so now when the water is running in the bath she plunges forward to feel it run over her face-it startles her every time, but she'll do it several times in a row at every bath session. My favorite is her laughter in the morning when we say 'good morning' to her penguin shaped humidifier-it really looks like a penguin and she just thinks it's the funniest thing in her room. She kisses it and laughs.
Now that's reason enough to tackle pregnancy a second time, don't you think?