Fireworks show!

Tired Kaitlyn. Over stimulated. I don't think she even closed her eyes to blink.

'Yeah, I can sing!'

Look at how high she flies!

Family Portrait (Steve and Kaitlyn did the actual tea cup ride later in the evening, this was out for all the tourists)!!

Uncle Steve with Natalia

Uncle Stan with Kaitlyn

Myles (8) and Maya (10)-super kids who ultimately had a super day!
I've let too much time pass...the details of this day are becoming faint. What I do remember is Kaitlyn was a trooper (next to me) and as expected, she was so stimulated her nap didn't kick in until way into the evening followed by a deep slumber carrying her well into the following day. I, on the other hand, managed quite well in my Birks, hat and shades...not venturing on anything more than 'It's a Small World' and being rather happy about it! I generally was on stroller watch while Sandra and the Dads (Steve and Stan) took the kids (cousins Myles and Maya from Denver, and Kaitlyn and Natalia) on the top adventures. By the following day I felt like a train ran into me. I truly was exhausted-but you never would have known on the actual Disneyland day. Here are some snippets of our grand family outing from July 2nd!