Kaitlyn in her I LOVE NY onesie, compliments of my dear friend Jenna....If you read this woman, know it was a happy moment when I realized she was finally big enough to wear it!!! Thanks for being a part of our day, despite you not realizing it!
25 1/2 weeks, but who is counting anyway? I had a rough week starting with a bout of food poisoning (at least that is what it seemed to be but I can't pin point a culprit) which then led into pure exhaustion followed by a headcold. Finally I'm better but with that means my sugar tooth is better, too...yes, the cravings hit so hard yesterday that I found myself eating three different desserts, only to finish them all today (surely a few days worth of calorie intake)! What the heck-SARPHEN????....I swear when Steve is home I don't do this, maybe he should work different hours so I'm not alone late at night rummaging through the treats! Ha ha ha ha....
Needless to say I had a real comical moment Saturday morning, worthy of reporting-even if a few days late!
Kaitlyn was sitting on top of the counter, watching me mix the dry dog food with the canned wet chunky gravy dog food.
Kaitlyn stood up.
Kaitlyn hits her head on one of the pots hanging from our pot rack.
Kaitlyn begins to cry.
Pot tumbles down to the dog food bowl.
Pot tips the dog food bowl and like a catapult launches out the freshly mixed dog food!
Kaitlyn stops crying, as I want to start crying!
Dog food down my shirt, on my shirt, on my arm, on the cabinets, across the floor, on the table...somehow not on Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn gets placed in front of the TV for a show of Barney (I thank God for this show).
I realize I have a bloody nose (third one in three years..c'mon, now????).
You can see how this unfolds. It was a moment-one that was providing me with insight as more are to come!
Motherhood-it truly is emotional which brings me to earlier today. I had a moment of self-discovery. Kaitlyn awoke on the wrong side of the bed in every sense of the phrase. For the first couple of hours she was Miss Cranky. No dirty diaper or hands pulling at the ear-it was straight up crankiness of unknown origin. Now, I need to describe this crankiness as it is becoming different than previous stages. Kaitlyn is developing a method of crankiness that is physically consuming taking her onto the floor, legs kicking and often arms sporadically flinging. I'm hoping to read up on this and see that it's a typical toddler behavior...but, if not, I will endure. My self-discovery was that I was not affected by her tantrum ways. Not the least bit of annoyance grew within me despite the intense frequency of these floor head banging spins. This reassured me that I will be able to conquer the battles of two toddlers! I'm ready for the curse (and really, the blessing). While I wasn't able to soothe her I did squat down to her level and talk with her as she made grunts and flung her arms some more--it was then that I noticed how terribly disgusting our floors get. How some moms do it all, I will never know.
I must bring this entry to a close-breathing in deeply I feel this little guy move around. Subtle jabs in the bladder, no problem. Rapid nudges, somersaults, pilates...I don't know what he's up to, but he's a real mover and shaker-more so than Kaitlyn ever was. Please let this mean he is getting it out of his system today so that when he does arrive I will have only Kaitlyn to run after and Sarphen to cart around! Wishful thinking....
Be well-and if you are ever in the area, know I'll probably have something sweet to share with you if I have not yet melted into our 'disgusting floors' (it's been sweltering out here...even my AC home seems unbearable...I am dreading the bill, surely it will be high, I keep having to turn the temp down to feel some respite)!