And on his farm he had:
an Emu..
a bunch of Pygmie Goats...
a Donkey...
Casper the white Alpaca...
a gigantic pig and two piglets...
chicks and roosters...
tractors and trucks...
bees and ducks..
Daisy the Cow...
and a handful of horses...
Thursday Kaitlyn and I headed to a Ventura County farm with her Uncle Stan and Cousin Natalia to get a dosage of the season's spirit. Pumpkins of all varieties were everywhere and a fabulous open air market greeted us as we walked through the entrance of the farm. Strawberries perfumed the air which was a short lived scent as it quickly changed when we headed to the goats; further ripening with other strong farm smells as we made our way around the grounds!
When was the last time you ever went to a farm just to hang out with the animals, feed them carrots and watch them watch you? I think I had more fun than Kaitlyn, although there is no question she was overwhelmed by all that she saw. After our outing was all said and done the two gals were tanked, frozen in a deep slumber.
Surely Kaitlyn had dreams about conquering the corn maize, running wild with the horses and probably feasting on some heavenly slice of pumpkin pie!