The night continued with Grandma and Grandpa coming over. I was so grateful for their company, it allowed me to cook with confidence and do circles around the house knowing Kaitlyn was close by but under their care. Yet, in the midst of my unraveling, another little moment became extraordinary. My dad was holding onto Kaitlyn just chatting away about her hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa...then I realized Kaitlyn will only have one Grandpa to cherish and know. There are no Great Grandpa's living and Steve's side she is gifted with only her Nana. Tremendous. May we always welcome Grandpa visits...(of course any Grandparent or Nana visit would be greeted with open arms, I just want to pause and bottle up her Grandpa--he's the only one she'll know for her lifetime).
The photo above was taken this afternoon on this gorgeous autumn day!