I'm in love. It hit me this week--that feeling of truly being in love with your child (what all baby books talk about). I admit this feeling was not present at first as the entire NICU experience was surreal. This week, however, Kaitlyn has brought me a new dimension of what love means. I miss her when I go to the store without her. When I'm napping and Steve is on baby duty, it's as though one ear is always alert to hear her hunger cry or cooing sound. My senses are heightened because of her existence! This love is different than the love I feel for my husband, or the love I feel for my dear friends or even my family. This love comes from another depth of my soul. Kaitlyn came from me. Wow. That's enough to keep me speechless for some time. Here she is in a deep slumber, totally nestled in my arms and chest--complete contentment.
I've enjoyed her so much today. While I didn't get too much sleep last night due to her hourly crying spells, this morning began with an alert happy baby. We held great conversations and eye staring matches. This delicate energy has remained with her all day and into this evening.
My favorite Kaitlyn moments:
When breastfeeding, she grabs onto my shirt while her other arm is tucked up by the side of her head as if propping herself up.
Foops (farting poops). I know it's gross but it tells me that her bodily functions are working! The sounds of a foop just make me laugh!
Her HUGE eyes when she is holding a conversation. They are so animated.
Bath time--especially when washing her hair (she stays so calm, eyes wide open and often accompanied by some cooing sounds).
Okay I could go on...but will save my thoughts for another post...until then, I'm enjoying my sleeping beauty.