It was a gorgeous day for this outing which added to the enjoyment of the visit. When GGma walked us to the car for the big departure, tears streamed down her eyes. My heart was crying, too. There may not be too many more of these visits and then again, there could be another ten years of them. GGma is in good form, but like many of the elderly, her memory is failing. It makes for some good laughs as she has been known to forget she just consumed a bowl of ice cream and so she goes to make herself a second helping. Or my favorite was last Christmas, she had been out shopping with my mom. GGma was told 'Happy Holidays' by the cashier and she looked at mom and said, 'Is it the 4th of July?'. Laugh? Yes. Heavy heart? Yes. We'll all be there someday.
I celebrate this memory and can't wait to further tell Kaitlyn about her GGma, both of them along with the Great Grandpa's who are all angels in Heaven watching over her!