Honestly, pregnancy is not easy and I say that knowing this one has been nothing but easy when compared to a handful of other mothers-to-be. I've had one bout of morning sickness that lasted a mere five minutes, endured a 24 hour flu over the New Year, and how could I forget, one token hemorrhoid. That's real personal, I know. But, now at full term status misery has struck. Back aches, carpel tunnel, swollen feet, fat face, big boobs and maternity clothing that doesn't fit. Hmmm, sounds really lovely doesn't it?
You can't turn over in your bed let alone climb into it. Our bed is so high it's a strain to pull up and make it in. Everything operates in slow motion for me. If the phone were to ring right now I wouldn't be able to answer it in time so I just let it ring and wait until I get up to see who called. I have to use the restroom every hour for hardly anything to drain out, but there is enough pressure going on that relief is felt!
While it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm actually amused by it all. There must be something to this. God really had a plan: God decided that pregnancy will be short-lived, an average of 9 months long. It will consist of extreme emotions, body changes and end in a miracle of life. The catch is the latter part, a miracle of life. That's it. That's the secret! All this misery I have been feeling has arrived during the last two weeks for a reason. God knows I can endure it as what lies ahead will be so magnanimous it will erase all my feelings and physical pains. Now I see why mothers hardly talk about the last part of the last trimester, it doesn't exist for them anymore as they are consumed by their miracle! However, when faced with an expecting mother-to-be like me, they can recall the experience and affirm my reality only to follow with some encouraging words like 'it's all worth it, just wait until that baby is on your chest looking at you for the first time, you won't remember anything you just went through.'
My prayer is that this is not some urban motherhood myth or old wives tale, but in fact, the pure truth. My hunch is that just like I feel and look like Baby Patterson is ready to pop, her miracle of being will truly erase my current aches and fat pains!