My little brother isn't so little anymore! Not only is he to become an exceptional uncle to Baby Patterson, but he is to become a business man. He has the firm handshake down, the strong and direct eye contact--he is confident in his own skin, something that too often is NOT found in the typical 22 year old male. I'm so proud of him and what lies ahead for his future. Right now he is in Egypt on an adventure with 11 other fraternity brothers and the guide who happens to be a priest and fraternity mentor. His recent e-mail stated the weather was 120 degrees yet despite the heat he is making his way through the pyramids and even cruising down the Nile!
Here we are at his Graduation ceremony that was held on May 10th--very different from the small fan fare of my college graduation. Either way, it was memorable and just makes me smile with joy for his success!
Then of course I had to include a shot of my belly at week 37...Scott was trying to see if there was competition in size, key word 'trying'. Sorry Scott, there is no competition! I win!