It happens anywhere and everywhere. I'm at the cashier to order a coffee and my order isn't taken until after the employee locks eyes with Kaitlyn, gasps, makes some baby sounds, comments on her enormous eyes and incredible beauty. I'm walking into the grocery store and some bystander looking for car keys hollers out, 'what a cute baby, oh my'. I'm in the elevator and Kaitlyn makes friends.
Forget me, I might as well as not be there, she will be fine on her own-I'm sure of it! People are always struck by her babyface--I often tell Steve, 'Babe, we did good' and he quickly reminds me that he will have his shotgun ready when she starts dating! Ha! Protective Father-just like my own! She is a magnet, anywhere and everywhere, people notice her. I could be suffering from one of those 'I'm fat, totally fat, nothing fits me anymore, I just want to hide but I still need to go to the store for eggs' kind of days and it doesn't matter, people could care less about me, they probably don't even see me (which is completely fine-I'm not complaining), all they see is this gorgeous charismatic girl with huge brown eyes looking at them and they trip over their own feet. I've seen it too often-really, Kaitlyn turns heads.
I took this photo a couple of days ago, actually, I took a series of photos because I was struck by her beauty. Was it because she was wearing my favorite color for her? Chocolate? I get days like this...I find myself staring at her in amazement, blown away that she came from me. This little being I created! I can see why so many strangers notice her, I find myself speechless at times by her beauty.
I'm sounding like a stuck up mom who thinks her baby is superior to all other babies-not the case, I just really recognize that this little bundle has something special about her-it's in her eyes, in her smile, in her glow that so effortlessly appears each day. She is captivating and I know the general population thinks the same! There are big things she will do in her lifetime, I just know it!