So Turkey Day really can be an over the top-deck out your front yard with holiday decor type of celebration. It was Sunday morning, November 23, and the brothers were out with their girls walking the neighborhood streets of Camarillo when they found this Turkey warming up someone's lawn! It wasn't a typical Sunday morning, mind you, it was the twins birthdays! In 2006 this lucky day was planted on Thanksgiving which made for a unique celebration-this year, however, is was fortunately on a Sunday allowing us to start our day with homemade blueberry pancakes and end it with not only an incredibly decadent meal at the Waterman in old town Ventura, but this over the top-football themed birthday cake:

I'm no pro, but I sure have fun decorating cakes. This one was a T-shirt design with two Raider candles and on the divided shirt was the logo for the two rivaling schools that Steve and Stan pursued for undergraduate studies.