What started out as a plan to get a vacation after the Thanksgiving holiday turned out to be a Thanksgiving holiday vacation. Earlier in October I had a real Momnesia moment and booked a trip for Kaitlyn and I to visit my brother, Jeff and his wife, Steph with their new son, Truman (he's only a week older than Kaitlyn). Originally I had planned on going to Hawaii with them but plans changed and visiting them in Falls Church, their current homestead just outside of DC, became the option. I purchased our flight without consulting a master calendar and to my surprise I booked our trip to depart on the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving-which was never the intention. I suppose some things just work out and this was one of them...a real treat!
Kaitlyn has been having the time of her life-overly stimulated with laughter and stares, her eyes have rarely shut. She is the bulldozer of the two cousins, the center stage, the leader of the pack while Truman typically sits back and chills, lets her do her thing. Occasionally he begins to fuss when he gets a little irritated with her dramatic personality, but he's taken quite a liking to her despite the extra outbursts on her part!

Along for the holiday festivities, Jenna, my long time girlfriend, trekked down to the DC area from NYC. Kaitlyn has taken a strong liking to her-most certainly for her stylish ways and gracious personality!