Tonight the kids and I were doing this great tie-dye t-shirt project using a rainbow of sharpie markers, rubbing alcohol and rubber bands. In all the prep I told them that these markers would not come off their clothes or anything else they wrote on. Kaitlyn then stated so confidently, 'Mommy, they are like your pregnant marker, the black one!'
Dylan plays in fantasy land all the time now. Generally he's neck to neck with Kaitlyn teaming up with one of her princesses as he tackles crime head on as Spider Man. Tonight he was saying he was Peter Parker and so Kaitlyn ran up to me showing me her Batman Pez dispenser saying, 'He's not Batman anymore.' She wanted his real life character name. I told her he must be Bruce Wayne and she darted off to Peter Parker with intensity. Later I observed Dylan moving his character figurines all over the family room, mumbling to himself various scenarios. Then, ever discreetly, walked over to Kaitlyn's princess basket and took out her 'glass slippers'. He put them on and returned to his superhero guys as if nothing ever happened. Oh man, he will certainly be able to hang with the girls. He could win any Princess Jeopardy today, even at his young age of 2.5 years. He knows the princesses by dress, by hair, by skin.
Needless to say, our home is constant Superhero Princess Party talk all day, from morning to night.