Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's all in the message....

Just to document some of life's happenings, this blog is truly a gift. I have a chronological account of my children, some months more frequent posts than others, nonetheless, a documented history. Today is no different, a few words on the changes among Kaitlyn and Dylan, a few surprises, milestones and of course comparisons to note how different they each are!

Kaitlyn launched into the alphabet the other evening when getting ready for bed and for the first time E V E R I hear Dylan singing along. He had it just about nailed, all sang with his deep voice in a grunting rendition of letters. He beamed to be singing alongside his sister. Potential for a duo in years to come? I wouldn't be so surprised if each of them pursued an instrument and/or vocal practice as they respond so well to music. Dylan, especially, is intrigued by instruments. Kailtyn has her days but limits her musical inquiry with fierce opinions and short attention. We'll see what it may amount to.

Copycat syndrome. Did Kaitlyn start this trend? It's a common occurrence around bedtime. She will copy everything I say as she laughs and displays a mischievous grin. I can hardly take it at this time of the day, as generally my patience is tapped, I feel behind and burdened with what lies ahead for my night after their bedtime which that ritual alone can bring me gray hairs. In any case, Copy Cat Kaitlyn appears. Now I see that Dylan is the same. It's not a mimic of me, but rather of his sister down to body language. The poor guy. I wonder if he even thinks for himself sometimes.

Saving grace: I found this shape sorter APP and added it to both the iPad and iPhone today. These two kids are mesmerized by it and thankfully, since it's the same APP, maybe playing a different shape sort, they each are learning, gaining dexterity skills, focusing and in all honesty, they are quiet. Dylan surprised me with his success in matching shapes-Kaitlyn of course was making leaps and bounds narrating her accomplishment with each shape reveal. Oh boy! I really have two children that represent both ends of the spectrum.

Dylan has been AWESOME in preschool. His teacher is an absolute Blessing-because of this the transition from Mommy to classroom is a breeze. Plus, he really wants to be there. He carries his lunchbox into school every day while Kaitlyn leaves it on the sidewalk and says, "Mom, I don't want to carry it. YOU carry it." And then she darts away. Having them both together adds to my confidence in his being there. If he was the older sibling starting school first, I think the experience would be traumatizing. BUT, he's been tagging along for over a year and a half for drop off and pick up and so it's only right that he appears to be more seasoned. All the students in his class know his name and know that I'm Dylan's mom. It's super darn cute!

Kaitlyn has been terrific with being the BIG SISTER to Dylan. She instantly goes from fend for your own self to possessive sister once noticed on campus. She's a bit of a drama queen...okay, she is THE drama queen or maybe I should be more appropriate and say she's a stage hog! She loves attention and the more people notice that Dylan is now going to school, the more she is right next to him as the BIG SISTER role. It's hilarious to watch this behavior unfold! She LOVES attention....

...And, LOVES attention so much so that I am realizing I don't give her enough of that quality attention she'd get if it was just her and not her current 'Share Mommy' reality! In her eyes, I'm constantly with Dylan....and truth be told. I probably am. If my children read this when they are older (which may happen) is it: Kaitlyn, I do struggle with showing my love for you, instead, it's easier for me to say it. Dylan sucks the physical touch out of me naturally so it's an obvious observation to assume I love him more. BUT, to you both, should you be blessed to become parents in this lifetime of yours, you will come to find that love you have for your spouse is one type of love. The love you have for your first born child becomes a different love and the love for your next child is that first born child love, but on steroids. Our heart has a capacity to love each of you beyond imaginable. My job is to figure out how to ensure you experience this unique love for YOU, and not feel shadowed by the love I have for other people/things! For the record...I love you both, individually and quite immensely!
