Holding onto one of the two mermaids!
Acquired as a gift for being such a great student at Kaitlyn's first music class today, Dylan and Kaitlyn left Hi-Line Music with two plastic mermaids. Sure. They could have taken a deck of cards, Kazoo, bouncing ball, or even a mini yoyo. Nope. The mermaids were eye candy for Kaitlyn and Dylan always wanting what his sister wants, found a mermaid, too!
On the way home Kaitlyn began narrating the mermaids present life. At one point I overheard her voicing for each mermaid, "I'm MAD." "No, I'm MAD." Yes, both mermaids were mad with each other! By dinnertime, Dylan had really forgotten about these plastic creatures and thus Kaitlyn became engrossed in her mermaid tales. When Steve asked her what their names were, Kaitlyn responded with, "I will ask her."
"What's your name?" Pause.
To Steve, Kaitlyn stated, "Spella," holding up the purple mermaid. Wow! We both were taken aback by her clarity of name. And then Steve inquired about the second mermaid name. After a quick banter of clarification, Kaitlyn stated, "Aspiga," holding up the blue mermaid.
Aspiga? Are you kidding me? This girl's imagination is ON FIRE. Spella morphed into Bella by the time dinner was over-but at no time did Aspiga ever change or simply be laid to rest. These two mermaids were carried around the house, had a splash in the bath and are currently nestled around Kaitlyn someplace in her heaping mound of blankets upon her bed. Everyone, Kaitlyn, Bella and Aspiga are in a deep slumber. I suppose no one is MAD now!