This year has already brought incredible changes...Kaitlyn is officially potty trained. It's apparent she can be a panty-wearing big girl for the rest of her life! Dylan has developed an intense strength-so strong in fact that he has broken through the plastic film on two drum toys (one which was quite thick and durable), bruised his sisters head probably permanently, and crushed Cosimo's leg on more than one occasion. As of tonight it was declared by Kaitlyn in the bath as she placed her arm around her brother, 'we are best friends'. The two toddlers I have surrounding me at all times are blossoming at a rapid pace that my attempts to document any new milestone is a miserable failure!
In an effort to capture a brief history of moments here are a collection of candid shots sure to bring smiles and even a few stories:

Water. This boy would be in the fountain if I'd let him...

Too cool for even himself...maybe.

Taking over big sis's rider!
Dylan really loves Cosimo. Taking a tender moment.
One silly morning in February taking photos from my phone!
An accomplished slide-goer.

Daddy's little Search and Rescue helper.