The cutest boy in America.
Dylan and me!
Park Date! In San Diego visiting cousin Truman, Auntie Cupcake and Uncle Jeff...
Cousin Truman laughing at Kaitlyn's response when she sipped carbonated water for the first time!
Kaitlyn loves playdough and painting.
Dylan only wants to be on his feet...but he's not walking quite yet.
Kaitlyn would rather skip baths all together.
Dylan will be a diver, beginning with a career in bath diving. He's always looking for an excuse to take a bath.
Kaitlyn hasn't taken a bite out of anyone from preschool in over 6 weeks.
Dylan is a solid 22 pounds.
Kaitlyn's appetite at breakfast is next to nothing.
Dylan has found his voice and it's deep....I don't think puberty will be an issue for him.
Kaitlyn is into this phase of 'Don't touch my body'....and she means it!
Dylan can sleep through any noise Kaitlyn makes during afternoon naptime (thank God) and Kaitlyn generally sleeps through any noise Dylan makes during the night!
Dylan loves watermelon, kiwi, freeze-dried banana chips but still not a fresh banana.
Kaitlyn gives head lock hugs.
Dylan has a grip that makes Cosimo bark (when he grabs his ears) and Kaitlyn bald (her hair comes out in chunks if his hands get ahold of her curls).
Kaitlyn thinks band-aids cure everything!
Both kids drive me nuts.
Both kids fill my heart with tremendous amounts of love.
Both kids keep me tired, but ready for anything!
Both kids add to my laugh lines.