Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mr. P90X

Muscle Man. Mr. Six-Pack. Mr. P90X. I'm convinced he is going to be a tank not only because of his hearty size but also because he seems to have front row seats when Steve and I do our daily workout for P90X (yes, we have committed ourselves and successfully completed week 1)! The little guy watches with great intrigue and emulates our move. You can find him in his exersaucer in a jumping motion when we jump or make any swift action!

Dylan, oh Dylan. Having quit nursing cold turkey, it was an awful few days in the bosom department but only because I became temporarily engorged (which, for all you non-nursers and men...I had grown enlarged rocks in my bra that physically ached when brushed against anything). Almost two weeks into this nursing-free regiment and he hasn't gone looking for the boob like I anticipated. He really moved on and with that moving on my husband has moved in, moved into the department of putting kids to sleep. I don't know what it is, Steve has a gift with Dylan that gets this kid to delve into the deepest stage of sleep faster than I can make a bottle! I'm working it, let me tell you-there's really no reason I should put Dylan down now that I know Steve has this new found power (wishful thinking)!

His latest personality note is a gregarious shriek, almost ear numbing but not quite as damaging as what Kaitlyn's used to be. Dylan gets into this groove, especially when he's just been fed. While in his highchair, he starts squealing, legs start kicking and his arms start flapping like a bird. This is all followed by his hearty, deep shriek. The deep shriek makes his legs and arms stiffen, and it's never limited to just one-it's a true symphony of baritones!

Dylan loves Cheerios-so don't waste your money on any generic puff cereal snack, as he will turn up his nose and block any bite with his forearm. Actually, he turns up his nose a great deal. I'm diligent and thus continue to offer him a bite of anything and everything, clearly learning what will fly and what will not upon making a second attempt!

He's no official crawler, but he has developed a strong stylized scoot. Somehow he makes his way across the floor and in an instant, tumbles to his side or back and then just hangs out. He's incredibly fond of walking with support-this would go on for numerous front-door-to-kitchen laps if I'd allow it or if I could physically endure it! He's ready to take off, I can feel his fight for freedom.

Overall Patterson Family highlights:
-Two kids, a dog and an adventure seeking husband is all I can handle right now!
-Kaitlyn likes to narrate her day down to, 'Mom, are you folding laundry?'.
-Dylan is a master of the 4 oz bottle-not sure if he'll ever tackle 8 oz in one setting, it's not his style.
-Kailtyn has begun to sit on the regular toilet seat while barking orders to leave the bathroom so she can have some privacy!
-Dylan is into biting-geez, just like her sister! At least I'm broken in!
-Kaitlyn loves to dance. Did I mention that Kaitlyn loves to dance? Seriously-it's in her blood from both sides, go figure!
-Dylan has held himself up and is obsessed with this toy guitar!

I'm haggard, I'm in need of some sleep. May the children remain in a deep slumber well into the morning hours!