I have, however, found a glimmer of hope between yesterday and today. Dylan has successfully guzzled down 1.5 ounces of formula from a bottle over the span of two feedings...this basically translates to H O P E. Yes, there is hope that I may be able to leave him for a period of time with anyone other than me and know he won't be hungry. It's taken us a few months to get him to develop a sucking motion on the bottle-huge milestone. He still has a ways to go, but I relish in this new reality!

So, with all the strife around his feedings, Kaitlyn and I were enjoying some left over pasta for lunch and with his watchful eyes I figured I'd take the risk and toss some finely chopped Italian treat on his tray. This boy would have asked for thirds if I had more to give him. He was thrilled to play with it, eat it and play with it some more.
Here is Mr. Dylan, the Italian Food Hound:
I love the serious look of intention...and the hands, so focused on the act of exploring the slimy noodles!
The classic Dylan lip pucker-his new look. Part flirtatious, part glee, part D! His two teeth aren't for show and tell I guess! He's being modest these days.