Another student had her in a 'head lock' type of hug. Such love but for Kaitlyn it was confinement and so she looked up and bit the girl on her cheek. Sigh. Uggggh. My daughter. At this Montessori school, however, the victim gets to be consoled and taken care of by the perpetrator so shortly after the scene of the crime Kaitlyn was holding an ice pack on the girls cheek and patting her back with great affection. Ms. Mitchell, Kaitlyn's teacher, spoke very highly of the situation despite the horrific action-any mother's worst nightmare. I overheard as I was leaving, 'the new girl bit...' spoken by a student to her father. Soon enough all arms will be of hugs and teeth will be for apples, the new girl syndrome will be lost forever. I hope.
Suffice it to say, the school day was a huge success and Kaitlyn scurried off with the teacher as I stood and waited. She was off to the restroom for one final pee in the potty before her day was complete. Wow. Am I excited...which brings me to another milestone: the three Ps...
Pee + Poop in the Potty. Yes, Kaitlyn has this down now! She is minimizing her wet diapers and taking a fondness to her potty. We planted a doughnut child seat in each of the bathrooms for her use when the time calls. Thanks to Steve, he really has been the voice of potty training in our household...Kaitlyn is nearly there! Quite incredible if you ask me.
I continue to be amazed at Kaitlyn's personality and blossoming vocabulary along with her uncanny musical abilities. She has memorized the children CDs we play in our car. She sings along in the back seat as each song feeds into the next and often I find her belting out the words to the next song before it begins.
There really is an endless amount of details I could offer about Special K, but should preserve the next paragraphs for my muscle man, Dylan. He has me in smiles fairly constant except when I just need a break from his 20+ pounds! Yes, he is weighing in at a mere 8 pounds lighter than Kaitlyn at this point and with him not walking-nor crawling-yet, that means I'm the baby carrier! He continues to be a momma's boy but has begun to drink formula FINALLY! Drink rather than suck as sucking is reserved for his nursing moments. Silly boy-I swear he came into this world as a toddler on his way to bypass puberty. He drinks from a cup and has better success drinking formula this way than by sucking it from a bottle! Because of this along with his peculiarities of food, my nursing days I would like to say could be numbered and will be numbered should his new third tooth go for the gold with a nipple biting session! The joys of this precious age.
Dylan's voice is very deep, manly and when laughing, it's a hearty jolly good time! He often bursts out with laughter when he's well fed and rested. Of course this is a contagious situation you see. If out in public, I find people starring in disbelief that such a sound could come from such a young infant. Sucking on his toes and as Kaitlyn did, he tries to go for the cheeks, too! Vocabulary is booming with the most recent addition being 'DaDaDaDa'. Once again Steve wins the title for the first word contest-man!
I'd also like to confess that Dylan is part Monkey. With his birthweight being what it was, I'm not surprised he's more than all baby. He can cling onto me with his legs alone, and if only I'd let go, I'm sure he's stay suspended from my body in some form as his grip teeters on the edge of superpower material. It's not human, I'm almost certain of it!
His food choices have lead me to forget baby food and just give him whatever I'm eating. He has a monstrous appetite and continues to love pasta but can have a heyday with cottage cheese. Avocados continue to be his staple-it's a wonder he hasn't turned green yet. He sure eats enough of them, going through one almost every day!
So there you have it, my two kiddos, each one unique and together incredibly loved. I'm so blessed!