Thursday, May 20, 2010

Calm before the storm.

Dylan's first swing experience!

Memphis, TN...visiting with cousin Truman (Kaitlyn douses herself with the water and Truman watches with great intrigue-Special K did change his routine up quite a bit during our visit)!

Tandem bathing!

Auntie Cupcake with Chillin Dylan!

She's magical in my eyes even when she's up to no good. He melts my heart with each smile. Between the two of them, I'm often lost in another reality. My two blessings are nothing less than sunshine in my day, chocolate in my afternoon, and love in my heart. If I could write daily about the adventures of 24/7 diaper marathons, tandem bathing, duel body juggling acts, and the helicopter parenting that I seem to fall into more often than I want to admit, I would! There is more content than I wish to recognize-everything is a story worth sharing that I find my inner thoughts in conflict over how to prioritize my a blog entry to document the latest happening or carry on to bed for a brief respite between brewing unnatural sleep cycles. The latter generally wins hence another entry that is way late, hugely anticipated and thus, like Swiss Cheese, missing chunks!
What feels like months ago was probably only six weeks ago; I woke up to solid poop in Dylan's diaper. MILESTONE. How has this already happened? He was just 3 months old and now I face his seventh month; the homemade baby food cubes are taking over the freezer, his birthweight has almost doubled and nursing habits are long ingrained within him that I fear my breasts will be forever harnessed in a nursing bra. While he can and will roll over, it is generally out of circumstance, a means to an end. He does not like being awake and lying on his tummy which leads me to believe he will bypass crawling and dive straight into climbing, standing and walking. Two teeth and swollen gums, his canines are proportionate to his hands and feet...all are large! He remains 'Chillin Dylan' unless the volcanic eruption begins and then it's hunt for Dylan already shows signs of resilience and superior endurance. Heck I might too if I was getting daily hits to the head by books and blocks with an occasional foot. Yes, Kaitlyn expresses her love for her brother with great force and often with a repetitive edge. Needless to say Dylan continues to chill and handle her strikes with a stoic immortality.
This brings me to dear Special K. Kaitlyn has an uncanny ability to comprehend exactly what you are telling her, look right through you like she isn't listening and then after all verbal threats and reprimands, galavant off and successfully complete the request. It drives me nuts. She is a 13 year old in the body of a 2 year old...well, ok, maybe not that extreme, but she is truly already showing remarkable acts of defiance.
I'm not much of a reader and much to my husband's disdain, I'm not a pop culture hound, however, I do know that Special K has a keen sense of self and an intrinsic motivation for certain activities. My latest headline with her is PRESCHOOL. Where will she go, for how often each week, will she be the class bully or the class clown? Whatever the case, I'm really eager for this MILESTONE. She couldn't be more ready for engagement that is with someone other than her strung out, overly sensitive, hyper-hawk eyed mom...I'm sure I am making it out to be worse than it, I said it before, my children are my blessings-nothing less than sunshine in my day, chocolate in my afternoon, and love in my heart!