The cousins pre-cat fight! They are just darling together. Hugs and kisses, then holding hands. It's real love and like all real love, the fighting began about an hour into their hanging out!
Natalia sporting some haunting eyes...Kaitlyn had just risen from her slumber.
Alexis and sweet Natalia.
Yeah, S@$t, I mean Spit Happens.
He just woke up from a long slumber...

Dylan chillin with Uncle Stan...a rare moment as he
NEVER seems to like chillin with Daddy!

Yummy. Two days in a row, blown diet.
Sweet potato pie, I think it was worth it!

Nana in all her birthday glory!
Hanging with both grandkids...They just love their Nana!

Cousin Todd, Uncle Stan and hunk of a boy, Dylan. (Dylan began the lip quiver shortly after followed by an outburst of tears..mommy to the rescue!)