In any case, since you will be coming home within the next two weeks, I have a few things to tell you about. First, you have an older sister! She's an absolute doll and while she may find your arm tasty like a chicken leg, or your eyes intriguing enough to put her finger in them, she means well and within no time will be my little helper changing your diapers and ultimately teaching you the ropes about independent play and hot dogs with ketchup. I'm sure you will resent her sometimes, wish she would sleep outside at other times, but most of the time I know you will adore her and look up to her as she is a great being to witness!
Secondly, you have a dog. He's a huge love once he settles down and believe me, he's super excited about your Homecoming. In fact I think he may have known you were on your way before I even knew. He has a keen sense of competition-as he knows he will be placed on the back burner for a couple of months until we can all go walking as a family: you, Kaitlyn, Cosimo and me! Yes, believe me, these walks will be something you will look forward to!
Finally I want you to know how proud I am of you already. You have been doing so well inside my womb, frolicking around, maintaining a strong and steady heartbeat, absorbing my many nutrients, and of course, thriving quite well. My prayer for you is that as you enter this world your first breath of air will give you an abundance of gifts. Gifts of great character, integrity, faith, perseverance, tenderness, compassion, strength and wisdom. You will only grow up from this point on and these gifts will be required of you throughout your many years to come. May you inhale them with vigor!
I patiently await your arrival despite my aches, pains, sleepless nights, and memorable emotions.....I love you already and know my love for you can only further blossom.