'I am into the slow food movement-eating one grain of rice at at time.'

'I love my Auntie Jessie.'

The Butlers (sans Ben-we saw him later)

'Uncle Charlie I'm not sure what I think of your beard.'

Cousin Meg and her husband Luke with their darling little Colin (almost two years old)!

Does he get any cuter?

Aunt Teresa and Colin-with cousin Liz's artwork all around!

' I think I like the groovy sounds coming from this piano.'

Dinner with Jen Abraham and Jessica at El Charro (best chips and salsa)!
Kaitlyn and I headed to Tucson by way of Phoenix for a week-ultimately to hang with her Godmother Jessica. It was a fast trip filled with all sorts of activities. Kaitlyn was certainly airborne and when she wasn't in someone's arms she was crawling all over the place, my human broom! I'd have to change her clothes a couple of times a day because of all the debris she'd find during her crawling travels as evidenced by the dark spots that would form on her knees! I'm no longer her comfort, now Kaitlyn kicks her legs when she's in my arms so she can go and explore. I suppose I'm getting too boring? Whatever the case, this past week was filled with milestones:
1. Her first top tooth!
2. A fourth tooth on the bottom came, too!
3. She now grabs her sippy cup all on her own and guzzles away!
4. She loves pulling herself up on bodies, tables, dogs-it doesn't matter, she just loves it!
5. Say goodbye to baby food, Kaitlyn is eating big girl food chopped up for her little self!
I told Steve that he wouldn't recognize her when we returned-she was truly a new infant...and I kid you not, in one night she grew!