Thursday, February 19, 2009
What a dollar can buy...
Recently I read an article about today moms who hire consultants or coaches to improve a child's sleeping issue, behavior challenge, or improve personal time management among other needs. Here I am, a woman who grew up always knowing I'd be a mother and with my own mother as my model, why wouldn't I dance in her shadow and do what she did: have a home based art business; cook every night and make brown bag lunches every day; maintain the yard, the laundry and the house; host unique and memorable annual parties; incorporate tradition and embrace the changing of the seasons with some ceremonial recognition. The list goes on. My mother is brilliant in my eyes, yet, when I compare her life (as seen through my lens) with how my life is today, we are worlds apart. Some days I feel like a wimp. If my mother could do all this and more, why can't I? Then it occurs to me, there are such different distractions today along with different priorities. First, we live in a time when technology is so handy it connects us all, all day long, all the time. This translates to extra energy expended on: e-mail, texting, blogging, facebooking, etc, and if you own an iPhone watch out. My mother never facebooked, she didn't e-mail, heck, my father was out to sea for six-month increments when in the Navy and the hand-written letter was the link that bound them together during these distant months (with a phone call here and there). I suppose I could rattle on about how things are different and it's no excuse for why I feel like a wimp, but I can see why moms hire extra help. I'm not saying I need to do this, or I would do this, but I absolutely can appreciate the businesses that are around today that support this possibility. It's reassuring to know that if I continue to feel like a wimp there are some resources I could look up only after I do the obvious: seek out assistance from great family members who love helping with Kaitlyn-huge blessing; and my super great husband who has been providing me with a weekly 'Moms Day Off', if there is such a thing, so that I can gallivant around, connect with my community, read a book, sit in a library, breathe...if I didn't have these luxuries to allow me to regroup, I'd be calling on a personal coach. I might need one anyway for my lack of self-discipline, I really could use the help as no words from dear hubby or my old school mother will suffice!