They truly are becoming friends-or at least Kaitlyn thinks so. Cosimo still is unsure since Kaitlyn first teased him with her Cheerios, holding her hand out with one pinched between her index and thumb as if she was going to give it to him. A lick later, she pulls her hand with Cheerio and it goes right into her mouth-let's just say once was enough for me, but I have a feeling this goes on a bit more often than I actually know! For dog preservation I've had to set some new boundaries with Cosimo and he's taken to them quite well-he has full range of scraps once Kaitlyn is finished eating, but until then he sits on his mat anxiously waiting for the 'go for it' sign! Kaitlyn knows no different, her hand still sticks out with a Cheerio, I give Cosimo the look of death and he retreats further on his mat. She wonders why he doesn't come lick, then with a snide look she sticks that Cheerio right into her mouth as if saying, 'too slow dude, you're no fun.'
Now that she is crawling EVERYWHERE, she loves to crawl just about ontop of Cosimo. He sits there hardly breathing fully knowing that she may dig her fingers into his hip or tail or heck, even his ears or eyes and he can do nothing about it. She is alpha no doubt about it. On his time he may get the courage to sniff her head and poke his nose real close to her face, and sometimes he forgets all together that she is literally underneath him crawling through his legs. Generally the two are harmless with each other, sharing every inch of floor space and if Cosimo would have any say, also sharing all of her toys!
I'm pretty excited about this budding relationship between the two of them despite my anxiety over the potential that Cosimo may step on her-I suppose worse things could happen.