Friday, November 28, 2008

Surprise Vacation...

What started out as a plan to get a vacation after the Thanksgiving holiday turned out to be a Thanksgiving holiday vacation. Earlier in October I had a real Momnesia moment and booked a trip for Kaitlyn and I to visit my brother, Jeff and his wife, Steph with their new son, Truman (he's only a week older than Kaitlyn). Originally I had planned on going to Hawaii with them but plans changed and visiting them in Falls Church, their current homestead just outside of DC, became the option. I purchased our flight without consulting a master calendar and to my surprise I booked our trip to depart on the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving-which was never the intention. I suppose some things just work out and this was one of them...a real treat!

Kaitlyn has been having the time of her life-overly stimulated with laughter and stares, her eyes have rarely shut. She is the bulldozer of the two cousins, the center stage, the leader of the pack while Truman typically  sits back and chills, lets her do her thing. Occasionally he begins to fuss when he gets a little irritated with her dramatic personality, but he's taken quite a liking to her despite the extra outbursts on her part!

Along for the holiday festivities, Jenna, my long time girlfriend, trekked down to the DC area from NYC. Kaitlyn has taken a strong liking to her-most certainly for her stylish ways and gracious personality!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nurturing Ritual

Nursing, it has to be one of the most beautiful experiences. I already love this child, but I am convinced this love grows with each stage of our nurturing ritual, it has no boundary. Our bodies are truly amazing.
As if there is a personality with each stage, Kaitlyn is clearly evolving in her nursing style. For a long while she was considered a NIP NAPPER which basically meant that she would take a little lunch and then take her siesta. Then she went head-on into the stage NIP and MOVE. While nursing she had to be moving, something, anything. Often it was her foot that she would push, pull, push, pull then suddenly start the push, pull cycle with my shirt or the most unexpected, my breast! Hilarious (and sometimes painful). She is still a NIP and MOVER, but she has now entered into another stage...the SERIOUS BUSINESS stage. These nurturing moments are short lived and often conducted while sitting up as if she doesn’t have time to lie down and lounge anymore! I find it amusing, endearing, precious, timeless and miraculous…

Welcomed Wrinkles

Kaitlyn's wrinkles are going to come prematurely-she's constantly smiling and laughing, at least she was during this recent visit to her Great Grandma's. There must have been something in my milk on Wednesday as she was hilarious. Miss Non-stop Energy was on stage, fully aware of her audience with each move. Not only were her smiles continual but so was her mouth. She is no stranger to singing everywhere but the bath, reading out loud to anyone who will listen and even shouting to random people in line at the coffee house. At this rate her future is looking very bright-possibly a career in communications?

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Joey

I saw this fleece cover-up on-line a while back and thought I could make it instead of spending the $80 plus it would take to get it at my doorstep I ventured to Jo-Ann Fabrics and raided the fleece department. I made my own pattern and figured it would be a bit of a trial and error as I'm no master seamstress. Having said that, I'm pretty proud of my creation. There certainly are elements that need to be further refined, but for a first time try, I'm excited!

The item that I based this on is called the Peekaru, very cool, very functional cover-up. My version is called The Joey (name was given as a suggestion by my facilitator from my postpartum mom support group). Kaitlyn seemed to enjoy the view and when facing the east coast chill over the upcoming Holiday I'm sure she'll be appreciative of my creation!

Aftermath of Oral Surgery

I'm in bed, lying down to maintain a no-stress recovery from this morning's oral surgery. I had all four of my wisdom teeth yanked as they were pushing in causing my front teeth to cram and develop crossbites and other annoying issues. With gauze in my mouth and a vicodin in my system, I'm feeling strange but really relieved that the process is over. Despite the aches to come and the inability to speak, I have wonderful helpers to care for Kaitlyn. This morning, before the surgery, I took some photos of her in an outfit her Nana had gotten for her...our favorite part is the hat!
Kaitlyn is full of personality-between her repetitive sounds she makes to her excessive jumping in her exersaucer to her constant giggling...she's my JOY and she gives me reason to stand strong, face reality and conquer.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bathtime Bliss

Kaitlyn loves getting in the water, making splashes by kicking her legs--but what she really likes to do in the bath is put everything in her mouth...surprise, surprise! From the tub itself to the washcloth to the toys, she is totally into the feast of bathing. I love watching her get into this focused playtime when her bottom hits the warm water. She is so intense, gripping onto the ring toy or rubber ducky, biting down on the tub itself, as if escaping into another time zone. She engages in this imaginary world and I sit as a bystander in awe trying to figure out what fairytale she is creating.
When I bundle her in the towel after bath time she brings with her whatever toy she had been clinging onto and if I snatch her when her hands are free the actual towel becomes the next feast. She remains happy and blissful until I start to dress her. Like any baby once the clothing hits the skin, that great feeling of freedom from lounging in her birthday suit is tainted. This is when the cries begin and continue until I have her totally clothed ready for bed. It's a hard life for this little one, really hard!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

'Katie' in Catalina

Nana, she is full of great ideas..she took my mommy and me to an island called Catalina so we could sit on the beach for the afternoon and look 'Hollywood' glamorous. My mommy found these great glasses in a shop and got them for me so I could stop squinting, it was sort of bright over there. Nana and mommy had a yummy lunch while I took a nap and then on the boat ride home Nana fed me some cereal! I love my Nana. She knows how to crack me up! She always calls me Katie which I like, it's her special name for me.