I just love dresses! This one was given to me by my mom's really great friend, Jenna. I think she's got style--she knows how to make an 8 week old gal like myself look fantastic! Mommy and Daddy took me to this Hawaiian Luau at Grandma and Grandpa's church. The music was real loud and everyone was dressed up in Hawaiian prints. I felt like I fit in well!
Daddy and Mommy hardly ever take pictures together because usually one of them is holding me and the other is holding the camera. I love that we were able to do a family portrait, even if it is candid and a little blurry.
My Uncle Benet also came along and so I was in his arms a lot. He gave me some 'face time' (as he calls it), we made funny looks at each other all night. Since I like to stick my tongue out he imitated me. Silly Uncle!
Now that I'm 8 weeks old I am eating more at each feeding--in fact sometimes I even try eating my fist! I'm growing out of all the newborn clothes mommy has for me, my eyelashes are almost as long as Daddy's and I sing in the bath! It's so fun to hear my own voice when I splash around. And just this morning I noticed I had great legs. Yes, it sounds funny, but wow! My legs can do so much! I think I was driving Mommy a little crazy because I kept moving them....a lot. I can't help it! I think just lying around is boring. Until next time..... love, Kaitlyn