Tuesday, November 8, 2011

9 feet of sheer purple...

That's how she went to bed. Nine feet of sheer purple fabric hanging off her head. Kaitlyn is obsessed with having long hair and finds that wearing mommy's scarves or as of tonight, scrap fabric is the way to fully enjoy the frill of Rapunzel like hair. It's been a good bribe when having to brush her tight curls-I often say, "If you want long hair you must take care of the hair that you have so it can grow; otherwise I will just cut it off". No matter the attitude of the moment, she will snap into a submissive daughter fully ready for me to tug and comb through her knots (which are abundant no matter the time of day...her hair is THAT curly)!

Dylan has become possessive. Of course possessive of me but that's been going on since birth. Now it's all about his pillow. When laying down to bed or nap time with him he gets real serious about your positioning and will literally by use of his hand, draw an air line of a boundary indicating where his pillow ends and where you may lay your head. It's funny and quirky at the same time but a very serious issue for him. I like the strength in his ability to set boundaries already at the age of two...

And speaking of two, this boy acquired another year and another reason to further cling onto me. He woke up on Friday, the 28th of October and has been in a hyper Mommy Hold Me mode that often plays out like this:
Drags his body as he makes a monkey hold around my thigh begging for me to "Hold You, Mommy, Hold You"
or my favorite,
Grabbing the bottom of my shirt and tugging, pulling, tugging more, not letting go as I walk around.
C'mon boy, I'm two inches from the little one and it's not close enough. There really is truth behind the phrase, "Mommy's Boy". One day it won't be so cool and he'll be begging to be dropped off on the corner of the street as to not be seen with me!

Kaitlyn continues to be Miss Bossy, Miss 'Sours' (her word for my word, Sassy), and borderline obsessive compulsive with how she wants her bedding to lay upon her. She will spend a few minutes tossing her blanket into the air over and over to get the right positioning onto the bed and once under she is known to kick and scream to only start the process all over again. No-in case you are wondering, I cannot help with this. That is yet another cause for tantrum. We have our hands full with this girl. She's been knee deep into wailing these days and I'm not talking about a developing interest in whales...but rather, a developing issue with wailing requiring a great deal of P A T I E N C E.

Kids require PATIENCE I never knew existed within me. Actually, I think patience was a word defined by a mother for truly this word has great application and gets maximum usage daily. My patience is often tested within the first 30 minutes of rising from a slumber. While the initial hello of Kaitlyn's morning is generally very soft spoken and sweet, maybe includes a kiss or hug, once Dylan is over his morning bear attack, umm, I mean bear hug on Kaitlyn, the sibling rivalry begins and is ever so loud. Forget it, I'm going public. Sorry Dear Husband, I can no longer keep our children quiet so you can get sleep (thank God Steve typically sleeps through all lion roars and Princess pitches).

It's been a fun few weeks of adventure. To capture a few great moments...take a peek at the following:

Post Halloween, trying out all the candies!

Mr. Fisherman
(Steve followed the kids with Kaitlyn's Barbie fishing pole
and would say that he was fishing for Mermaids and Sharks-huge hit).

When answering the door. Well, okay, maybe not.

Super Star.

That face!

Surely they would win 'Best Spirit' on the block for themed family trick/treating.
Their 1 year old daughter was Horton from Horton Hears a Who.

Backside of Fairy Princess Mermaid and Shark.

Frontside of costume-Kaitlyn had to carry her tail!

In line to see Sir Topham Hatt from Thomas the Train.
Dylan was glued to him from the moment we stepped into line.

High fives were exchanged, holding hands was favorable...
and still for the camera these kids looked miserable!

Look, it's Thomas the Train!

Off he goes....!

Uncle Benet chilling with Super K!

Great face 1.

Great face 2.


In line waiting to board the train.

His great face.

His great lips.

Post train ride. Not sure who was most happy...me, Unlce Benet or the kids.